FACS in Colorado:
Our students today are the future leaders and members of tomorrow families, workplaces, and communities. Essential preparation for success includes acquisition of leadership, problem-solving, decision-making, critical thinking, communication, computer, and mathematic sills. The Colorado Family and Consumer Sciences (FACS) Core courses focus on providing students foundational knowledge needed to be a productive member of society, including leadership, teamwork and communication. Family and Consumer Sciences courses are solidly linked to the Colorado Academic Standards (mathematics, reading and writing, and science) and the Colorado General Workplace Competencies.
This course focuses on:
1) Providing students with the opportunity to learn useful and necessary life and job skills and apply these skills to activities in and outside of the classroom.
2) Helping the students with problem solving, making responsible choices, enhanced critical thinking skills and leadership skills.
3) Covering family forms and functions, child and adolescent development, family finances and consumer awareness, nutrition and wellness, food science, housing and housing furnishings (interior design) and fashion design and merchandising along with other topics such as culinary nutrition, catering, relationships, teen choices and career pathways (world of work).
4) Practicing and documenting leadership skills and organizational skills as we work our way through our lessons.
Students will choose the particular subject topics that they will want to complete during the school year and projects will be selected to complete those topics. This will allow students to be versatile in their project work of the class. Not all students will want to complete the same topics and the teaching style of individualized instruction will allow for project-based learning for each individual student.
Family and Consumer Sciences standards have been created for the following topics:
Career Pathways
Child & Adolescent Development
Culinary Nutrition
Education Exploration
Life Management
Nutrition and Wellness
Food Science
Teen Choices
Culinary Arts/Food Production
Fashion Design and Merchandising
Interior Design
World of Work
STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Math) projects will also be highlighted in this year’s curriculum as a means of educating the total student about the relationship of these subjects to Family and Consumer Sciences. A variety of activities will be completed throughout the school year to complete the requirements of this program including labs creating lip balm, soap, bath bombs, perfume, rainbow bath, bath scrub, crystal spa, lava lip, and crystal jewelry. A sewable technology electronics kit will also be utilized to create wearable technology. The participation in a national quilt block challenge will feature the incorporation of art and math with the FACS program.